Electric Bus Safety & Lifetime

The safest and most reliable e-bus fleet ever

Ensure safety, reliability and customer trust with battery analytics software, so your fleet electrification goals stay on track.

In the transition to electric, leaders leverage battery data

As municipal transport authorities roll-out e-fleets faster than any other segment of road transport, it’s essential to keep the battery data from the electric vehicles stored.

The battery data and the insights that come with analyzing it are the keys to control battery failure risks, improve safety and reliability of electric fleets, and to keep electrification goals on schedule.

Medium green bus driving down blurry street
Yellow Berlin Transporate Authority e-bus charging at depot
Use case

Keeping customers safe with battery analytics

Berlin’s public transport authority (BVG) uses ACCURE to make the operation and charging of its electric buses safer and more reliable.

Why e-bus operators rely on our Battery Intelligence software

Safety first

Safety monitoring automatically warns about unsafe batteries in operation and in charging depots before it becomes critical.

Reliable operation

Predict maintenance issues and prevent breakdowns with accurate information about battery performance.

Reduce complexity

Track every e-bus from any manufacturer, all li-ion types and connect to your fleet management software.

Free white paper: Predictive safety analytics

Learn how the battery data you already have can be analyzed to prevent battery incidents.

Get longer, safer, more reliable service from the e-buses you already have

Uncover how to extend battery lifetime based on actual usage. Insights from driving and charging help you find practical ways to get more out of your e-bus batteries that work with schedules.

Make informed electrification decisions with better battery knowledge

Without manual effort, compare battery performance to supplier warranties to ensure your e-buses are operating as promised. Benchmark your e-bus types and e-fleet suppliers to reveal the best ones and negotiate new contracts at eye-level.

Finally, the insights needed to deliver on electrification promises

Without battery analytics

  • Pieces of battery data everywhere, lack of uniformity.
  • Constantly switching between original equipment manufacturer (OEM) systems and fleet management platforms.
  • Uncertain if maintenance and safety issues are getting noticed.
  • Unknown potential for battery incidents.
  • Worried an incident will delay e-transformation goals and erode customer trust.
  • No view into battery performance and quality.

With battery analytics

  • Know what data you need and the knowledge to get it.
  • Consolidate all battery data in a single system that connects to your fleet management platform.
  • Scale to cover your entire e-fleet.
  • Automatically detect safety issues before they become critical.
  • Plan maintenance.
  • Ensure reliable operation.
  • Monitor batteries from beginning to end-of-life.
  • Cover insurance requirements.
  • Enable second-life use after retiring batteries from e-buses.
Battery Safety

When digitalizing fleets prioritize safety

Here's why:

BMS cannot detect all indicators

The battery management system (BMS) cannot detect all necessary safety indicators, run advanced analytics, or predict long-term trends necessary to prevent incidents and breakdowns.


Batteries are more than zero emissions

Your e-fleet can be more than good for the environment. You can increase safety and reliability, simplify data and fleet management with battery analytics software.


Multiple insurance groups have identified ACCURE's battery analytics software as a risk-reducing measure for battery operation.

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Increase your battery IQ

Marc Mennekes
Product Owner
Dr. Matthias Kuipers
Team Lead R&D
Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies
CEO & Co-Founder
Dr. Sebastian Kawollek
Director Products & Projects
Valentin Lorscheid
Product Owner
Darya Chahardahcherik
Head of Custom Analytics
Dr. Georg Angenendt
CTO & Co-founder

Technology matters, but people make the difference

Battery value is the language we speak. If you’re Director of Operations we translate reliability, resilience, and safety. If you’re an Asset Manager, we translate profitability and managing risk. Need a battery forecast? We speak predictive analytics too.