Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meetingDr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meeting

This paper will explain:

  1. Flagging Conditions Before They Become Critical
  2. Using Battery Data to Make Storage Safer
  3. BESS Downtime and Maintenance Reduced by 75% with Battery Analytics
  4. Aggregating Findings to Deliver an Intuitive Safety Score
  5. Comparing Predictive Battery Analytics Platforms

Manufacturing defects, hazardous operating conditions, BMS errors and HVAC issues can lead to unexpected shutdowns and safety-critical events in BESS. Battery data analytics help you to operate your batteries with maximum performance and safety, protecting you against downtimes and reputational damage. By leveraging the reduced asset risk, HDI is further able to offer improved insurance conditions.

Find out how HDI and ACCURE Work Together to Make Battery Safety Insurable.

About ACCURE Battery Intelligence

ACCURE helps companies reduce risk, improve performance, and maximize the business value of battery energy storage. Our predictive analytics solution simplifies the complexity of battery data to make batteries safer, more reliable, and more sustainable. By combining cutting-edge artificial intelligence with deep expert knowledge of batteries, we bring a new level of clarity to energy storage.  Today, we support customers worldwide, helping optimize the performance and safety of their battery systems. Visit us at accure.net.

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