Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meetingDr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meeting

This paper will explain:

Discover how the integration of data analytics into BESS affects risk assessment, loss prevention, and insurance premium optimization.

We'll explore:

  • Case study: Learn how a global leader in energy storage has secured enhanced insurance terms and at the same time improved safety with a proactive, uniquely tailored risk management strategy.
  • Collaboration: See how energy storage firms and insurers are joining forces to better understand risks.
  • Innovation: See how predictive analytics is changing traditional BESS asset management.

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ACCURE helps companies reduce risk, improve performance, and maximize the business value of battery energy storage. Our predictive analytics solution simplifies the complexity of battery data to make batteries safer, more reliable, and more sustainable. By combining cutting-edge artificial intelligence with deep expert knowledge of batteries, we bring a new level of clarity to energy storage.  Today, we support customers worldwide, helping optimize the performance and safety of their battery systems. Visit us at accure.net.